- Small Animal
- Complete Physical Exam
- Bloodwork: Chemistry Analyzer, Complete Blood Count, and Coagulation profile
- Urinary Analyzer
- Microscopic Exams: blood, urine, masses, skin scrapes, and fecals
- Laser Surgery: reduces local inflammation and less damage to the skin. This allows your pet to recover quicker and get back to playing!
- Digital Radiography
- Ultrasonography
- Vaccines: you can find more details under Canine and Feline services
- Cytopoint: monoclonal antibody injection to help combat allergies and itchy pets
- Adequan Injections: a polysulfated glycoaminoglycan therapy to promote extra joint fluid to help combat arthritis
- Large Animal:
- Complete Physical Exam
- Reproscan: ultrasound that helps diagnose pregnancy in large animal species
- Power Float: equine dentistry tool
- Both
- Laser Therapy: decrease inflammation and promote healing throughout the body. Ask us today how laser therapy could benefit your pet!